domingo, 12 de novembro de 2023

The Asteroid Mining

                                             The Asteroid Mining

Asteroid mining could be an interesting business and boost space exploration
The biggest challenge is perhaps how to bring the material to land within a reasonable cost.
However, this material does not need to return to Earth. It seems like the most reasonable idea to use it in the same space.
If we don't see. The biggest cost of space exploration is precisely overcoming Earth's gravity
What if spaceships were built in space?
Asteroid mining refers to the possibility of exploiting raw materials from asteroids and other smaller bodies in the solar system, including near-Earth objects. Minerals and volatile compounds can be extracted from an asteroid or comet to provide building materials in space (e.g., iron, nickel, titanium), extract water and oxygen to sustain the lives of exploring astronauts in space, as well as hydrogen and oxygen for use as rocket fuel. In space exploration, these activities are known as in-situ resource utilization.